Boost Your Health With FluShields: 10 Steps To Stay Healthy

A sign saying social distancing
Photo by Ekaterina Belinskaya from Pexels

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a worldwide pandemic that greatly brought big impacts to our lives. It made the whole world stops and made every people isolated in their homes. During these times, 'Social Distancing' became a norm. It's simply a fancy word saying that you should avoid physical contact with others.

Undeniably, It hindered everyone from work, school, and other social activities. As time flew past, more and more people became anxious about how to deal with these kinds of situations. What should we do and what we shouldn't? 

It's very important to know what you can do to reduce the risks of you and your family getting ill with the coronavirus. The best way to prevent this illness is to avoid yourself and your family being exposed to this virus. And, the big question is HOW?

You and your family can stay safe if you follow these tips:

1. Follow Proper Social-Distancing

Try to avoid close contact even with your family or close friends if you know that they are sick or feeling ill of any sort. Remember that, a person can also spread the virus even if he/she won't have any symptoms.

  • Inside your home: Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
    • If possible, maintain at least 6 feet between a member of a family who is sick.
  • Outside your home: Put 6 feet of distance between yourself and other people who don’t live in your household. 
  • In crowded places: Keep a 6-feet distance between yourself and other people, especially those who have high risks of getting the virus. Always wear face mask or respirators if you are going outside. Avoid social mass/gatherings for the meantime.

Good news: You can protect yourself as much as possible by wearing an N95 respirator mask: Get your N95 respirator masks for the whole family today.

2. Wash your hands thoroughly

Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water especially:

  • Before eating or preparing food
  • Before touching your face
  • After using the restroom
  • After leaving a public place
  • After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
  • After handling your cloth face covering
  • After changing a diaper
  • After caring for someone sick
  • After touching animals or pets

3. Use Hand Sanitizers

After washing your hands, you can use hand sanitizers because they can kill germs that still reside from your hands after washing. Avoid doing handshakes even if you have hand sanitizers with you. Prevention is always better than cure.

Good news: You can protect yourself from germs by using a hand sanitizer after washing your hands: Get your Hand Sanitizer for the whole family now.

4. Cover when you Cough and Sneeze

Cover yourself with a tissue or with your sleeves, not with your hands, when you cough or sneeze. Wash your hands with soap and water afterward. Don't sneeze or cough in a crowded place. You should care not just for yourself, but also for everyone around you. Go to a restroom or less crowded places (at least with a 6 feet distance with the people) if you think that you are going to sneeze or cough.

5. Make Your Home Clean

Not just making yourself clean, but you also need your surrounding to be clean and safe from unwanted germs or viruses. Staying at clean and free-radical places reduces the risks of getting ill from any sort of viruses. Do your household chores daily -  once or twice a day depending on how spacious your house is.

People who walk in and out of your home should be monitored and disinfected. Never allow many people in the household to stay all together in the same place. Even at home, observe a six-feet distance. You can also artificially purify the air you breathe by a humidifier. Get your Humidifier for a fresher atmosphere at home now.

6. Use Gloves when Preparing for Food

Some Fast Food chains were greatly in demand during quarantine as they offer online services and food deliveries at your doorsteps. For people working in food services, aside from washing your hands with soap and water, using hand sanitizers and disinfectants, you also need the Proper Protection Equipment such as Hand Gloves. 

Gloves limit exposure to surfaces that have been contaminated with viral pathogens from the exhalation of an infected person. Health experts insist that prudent hand hygiene drastically reduces the risk of infection during an influenza pandemic.

If you are doing housekeeping maintenance, home-services, and other activities that include handling currency, opening doors, operating telephones, using a mobile device, or typing on a keyboard and changing personal protective equipment, you need to wear hand gloves. You can get your Hand Gloves now.

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7. Wear Face Mask appropriately

Surgical Masks and Respiratory Masks are designed to help you save from airborne particles and viruses. DIY masks became popular due to the shortage of surgical, medical, and respiratory masks. But, in reality, the DIY masks are not well-made and disinfected, unlike those masks that were highly suggested by CDC and medical professionals. Bear in mind that we wear masks not just for fashion, but also for protection.

Although you are wearing a face mask, it doesn't mean that it's safe to have physical contact with others. Always observe proper social-distancing.

8. Replace Damaged Mask Filters

When you buy a respiratory Mask, you need to gradually check when should you change your mask and filtersNeither masks nor respirators are intended to be used more than once. If they become damaged, the wearer is being exposed to pathogens and viruses. Ideally, they should be collected and disposed of correctly with thorough hand-washing afterward. 

No worries, you can get your Replacement Filters now.

9. Monitor Your Health Daily

As you go out, there are many possibilities that you encountered many people who are at risk of getting infected. So you need to monitor your health daily. 

  • Be alert for symptoms. Watch for fever, cough, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of COVID-19.
    • Especially if you are running errands, going into the office or workplace, and in settings where it may be difficult to keep a physical distance of six (6) feet.
  • Take your temperature if symptoms persist.
    • If you think that you have any symptoms of the corona, you need to take your temperature. You can use a Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer to daily monitor your body temperature and do the necessary precautions when you catch a fever.

10. Follow all the Steps Mentioned Above

Dealing with Corona is not simple, you need a habitual way of doing these precautionary measures to sustain good health and reduce the risks of getting ill. Observing proper Social Distancing at all times will greatly help you minimize the spread of the virus.


Good News: You can actually protect yourself as much as possible by wearing an N95 respirator mask: Get your N95 respirator masks for the whole family today.

Disclaimer: Please note that we can only pass on general information and cannot make any guarantees or be liable for any consequences of your decision making or behavior. Use good common sense and ask your healthcare provider or physician for advice.

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