Decontaminating A N95 FFR Mask Provided By FluShields.

syringe, pills, and mask on a blue backgroundPhoto by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Decontamination of N95 FFR may vary depending on the substance or chemicals used for the decontamination process.

FFRs are highly considered to be a one-time use products and as of the moment, there are no authorized methods for the decontamination and reuse of FFR.

But still, there are some potential methods to decontaminate FFRs: Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI), vaporous hydrogen peroxide (VHP), and moist heat.

Yet, there are no authorized recommendations of using these methods and these are only potential methods that you can use in case there is an optimum shortage of FFRs. However, when healthcare providers (HCPs) are performing an aerosol-generating procedure, these FFRs should not be worn, given the uncertainties about the impact of decontamination on respirator performance.

Good news: You can also protect yourself from viruses by wearing an FFP3 or KN95 respiratory mask: Get your KN95 respirator masks & replacement filters for the whole family today.

Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI)

It is one of the most promising methods for decontamination but the effect varies depending on the dosage. It is a disinfection process that utilizes ultraviolet (ultraviolet C or UV-C) light to kill or inactivate microorganisms by killing nucleic acids and damaging their DNA, causing them unable to conduct essential cellular functions. However, UV-C radiation is low on Earth's surface because it is filtered by the ozone layer of the atmosphere. UVGI is unlikely to kill all the viruses in the FFRs due to the shadow effect produced by multiple layers in FFRs.

Vaporous hydrogen peroxide (VHP)

Investigations into VHP decontamination of FFRs offer proof of a marginal impact on filtration and health while showing 99.9999% effectiveness in destroying bacterial spores. Vaporized hydrogen peroxide has been studied as an airborne disinfectant and prevention mechanism for hospital infections and has been shown to reduce the occurrence of nosocomial infections triggered by a variety of pathogens.


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 Moist Heat

Moist heat, consisting of 60 ° C and 80 percent relative humidity ( RH), induced limited deterioration in the filtration and performance of the FFRs. One disadvantage of the approach of moist heat is the ambiguity of the disinfection efficacy for different pathogens.

Bear in mind that these potential decontamination methods for N95 FFRs are not subjected to authorized methods. Decontamination of N95 FFR greatly depends on the given circumstances. 


Good news: You can also protect yourself from viruses by wearing an FFP3 or KN95 respiratory mask: Get your KN95 respirator masks & replacement filters for the whole family today.

Disclaimer: Please note that we can only pass on general information and cannot make any guarantees or be liable for any consequences of your decision making or behavior. Use good common sense and ask your healthcare provider or physician for advice.

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